Q1. 1个人该如何提升他/她的财富意识以可在生活中持续接收财富?
How does one lift up their wealth consciousness so that he/she can receive continuous flow of wealth into his/her life.
巴关: 首先,你必须开始从你能记住的那天回顾你的生活。每一个负面事件,你必须学会看到它是正面的,没有什么应该受到负面的看法,所有负面的东西,你必须学会正面地看,这是你必须做的第一件事。其次,你必须培养感恩。第三,你必须改善你和你的父亲以及你和你母亲的关系。和第四,你必须祈求你的祖先得到解脫。如果这些都做了,自然你会得到财富的意识和财富会开始流动。如果尽管如此,财富不开始流动,你必须改变你的程序。谢谢巴关。
Bhagavan: firstly you must start reviewing your life from the day you can remember. An Every negative incident, you must learn to see it positively, nothing should be seen negatively, all negative things, you must learn to see positively, that's the first thing you got to do. Secondly, you must cultivate gratitude. Thirdly, you must improve your relationship with your father and your mother. And fourthly, you must pray for your ancestors liberation. If these are done, naturally you will acquire wealth consciousness and wealth begin to flow. If in spite of this, wealth does not begin to flow, you must change your program. Thank you Bhagavan.
What differentiates those who live a life of wealth and abundance from those who are not.
巴关: 那些生活在丰盛的生活的人会经验財富的意识,那些没有丰盛的生活的人,就没有财富的意识。健康,财富,关系的成功,依赖于你的意识。 谢谢巴关
Bhagavan: Those who live a life of abundance, experience wealth consciousness, those who do not have a life of abundance, do not have wealth consciousness. health, wealth, relationships are success, depends on your consciousness. Thank you Bhagavan.
Q3. 现代人该如何从充满挑战与压力的生活中取得平衡?How to achieve a life of balance when the modern man lives in a world full of challenges and stress.
Bhagavan: When you get awaken, your life automatically fall into balance. Thank you Bgahagan.
Q4. 一个领导者需有什么?
What makes a leader?
Bhagavan: A leader is one who is creator, secondly, he must be optimistic, and thirdly, he must be modest. Thank you bhagavan.
Q5. 什么是内在的平静? 那与创造或吸引财富有什么关连?
What is inner peace? What has that got to do with wealth creation or attraction?
Bhagavan: Inner peace is the absence of inner conflict and inner chatter. When this happen, there is no wastage of energy, that energy leads to success and wealth in the external world. Thank you Bhagavan.
Q6. 我们该如何根除内在不断驱使我们永无休止的要求更多的贪欲与执着? How do we eradicate our inner greed/attachment that had always pushed us the habits of wanting more…or wanting everlastingly.
巴关: 当心开花绽放,贪婪消退,一切都水到渠成。谢谢巴关
Bhagavan: When the heart flowers, greed subsides and everything fall into place. Thank you bhagavan
Q7. 我们该如何减低自己的自我(或让自己谦卑)?
How do we reduce our Ego (or humbling oneself down)?
Bhagavan: You must observe the ego in action and all the damage it is causing you, if you become aware of it, automatically ego activities subside. Thank you Bhagavan.
Q8. 亲爱的巴关。在你的教导,你强调内在的诚信和觉察,我的问题是,一个人是需要寻求这两个条件的情况发生吗?请详细说明这两个条件的情况,一个人如何在日常的生活运用它们呢?谢谢巴关
Dear bhagavan. In your teaching, you emphasis of inner integrity and being aware, my question is, does one need to seek for the happening of these two conditions? Please elaborate these two conditions and how does one apply that in the day to day live? Thank you bhagavan
Bhagavan: You can best apply these teaching into relationship. Relationship is life, relationship is the mirror in which you could see yourself. 60% of the time in the day you are either lying to others or lying to yourself. Lying to yourself is the most dangerous thing you could do to yourself. All that is require is you must become aware of these lying to yourself, everything else automatically follows. Thank you bhagavan.
Q9. 我亲爱的巴关, 可否让我知道最快速疗愈家庭关系的方法以解决所有的难题?
My dear Bhagavan, may i know, what is the fastest way to heal a family relationships with all sorts of difficult problems to be solved?
巴关:合一的教导是, 世界是完美的,没有人有什么错。错的是你和你的观点,如果你意识到这一点,你的人际关系会显着改善。你开始生活在天堂,世界并没有改变,但你改变,因为你的变化,世界就是天堂。谢谢巴关。
Bhagavan: The Oneness teaching is the world is perfect and there is nothing wrong with anybody. Everything is wrong with you and your perception, if you become aware of that, your relationships dramatically improve. You start living in heaven, the world does not change but you have change, because you have change, the world is heaven. Thank you bhagavan.
Q10. 最近, 我在阅读一系列有关宇宙吸引力法则的书籍. 我如何在生活中运用这法则?Recently, I'm reading a series of books about the universal law of attraction. May I know can I use this law to attract what I want in my life?
Bhagavan: You could very well use these law. Thank you bhagavan.
Q11. 亲爱的巴关, 我们知道当一个人处在高意识, 一切好事将流向他, 并且有能力去经验如是. 巴关, 非常感恩您能够解释更高意识状态对家庭, 社会以及国家的重要性. 因此, 巴关, 我们该如何进入更高的意识状态?
Dear Bhagavan, as we know that, one in high stage of consciousness, every good things will flow into him and also have the ability to experience with what is. Bhagavan, it is very grateful that if you could explain more about the importance of higher level of consciousness for family, society and country. so, dear Bhagavan, how to move into high stage of consciousness.? what should we do..?
Bhagavan: people live in different levels of consciousness, the higher level of consciousness, the lesser problems, the lower level of consciousness, earthy problems. Lower level of consciousness creates problems which those lower level of consciousness could not solve. Only if you move into next higher level of consciousness, these problems will be solved. Being with the what is and inner integrity.. no recording after this.
Q12. 亲爱的巴关, 合一教导有关内在灵魂的自由, 但为什么合一经常强调去接收财富? 您的教导与事业及财富有什么关连?
Dear Bhagavan, Oneness teaching about freedom of inner spirit, but why Oneness always mention about receiving wealth? what is the connection in between your teaching with career and wealth?
Bhagavan: Long ago, somebody invented money and that was a game changer and after that man became greedy. But in today's world, without money, you can not do anything. We have found that people who are successful in creating wealth are also successful in the field of spirituality. That is why we are focusing on wealth consciousness and success in life. Thank you bhagavan.
Q13. 亲爱的巴关, 我曾参加俩次合一财富祝福工作坊, 数次神圣房间的过程, 但为什么我的财富还是没有丰盛? 我该做什么以达到财富的丰盛?
Dear Bhagavan, I have joined 2 times oneness wealth blessing workshop, and my relationship with my father is not bad too, and I have joined sacred chambers for a few times, but why I still not having abundance in my wealth? what else should I do in order to become abundance in wealth? Thank you!
Bhagavan: Yes, in your case, your ancestors are stuck, please pray for their clearance and you will see wealth begin to flow in. Thank you Bhagavan.
Q14. 亲爱的巴关, 我读了您的一本书表示如果要吸引丰盛, 我们该感觉像个百万富翁, 但我对于金钱的第一个感觉就是不足够, 我该怎么做?
Dear bhagavan, I have read a book you mentioned that in order to attract abundance, we have to feel like a millionaire, but my first feeling towards money is not enough, what should I do?
Bhagavan: You must look at all the things which you have and not focus on all the things which you do not have. Your brain and mind are different, your brain can easily be fooled. So, fool your brain that you are a millionaire and see what begin to happen. Thank you bhagavan
Q15. 亲爱的巴关, 我寻求您智慧的话语帮助我的内在诚信. 一个家庭的觉醒成员当我们遇到来自过去被压抑的痛苦开始浮现的挑战时, 我们如何帮助彼此; 心的开花是觉醒者的下一个旅程吗? 圣者巴关, 可否请您指导与』如是』待在一起如何让心开花以及当一个觉醒的家庭心开花了会发生什么.
Dearest Sri Bhagavan, I seek for your wise words to help me with my Inner Integrity. What can each awakened family member do to help each other when we encounter challenges of painful repressed feelings surfacing from the past. Is the flowering of the heart the next part of the journey of the awakened ones?
Sri Bhagavan, can you give some advice how flowering of the heart can happen with staying with the " what is" and what will happen when the awakened family has flowering of the heart. JAi bolo Paramatma Bhagavathi Bhagavan ki Jai.
Bhagavan: As you begin to stay with the what is, inner integrity follows, and inner integrity followed by the flowering of the heart. With the flowering of the heart, there is oneness in the family, and if oneness in the family, individual as well as collective problems began to disappear. Thank you Bhagavan
Q16. 亲爱的巴关, 那些相信超意识并得到超意识的帮助的人与不相信或没得到超意识的帮助的人之间的意识层次有什么分别吗?
Dearest Bhagavan, is there a difference in the level of consciousness that can be achieved by a person who believes super consciousness and takes the help of super consciousness versus someone who does not believe or take the help of super consciousness?
Bhagavan: if you take the help of super consciousness, you grow very very fast.
Q17. 亲爱的巴关, 新加坡很多青少年花太多时间在电脑的游戏, 有些甚至上瘾. 这已在许多家庭造成很多挑战, 暴力与不和谐. 身为父母与老师我们应做什么? 这样的问题会影响新加坡的未来吗?
Dear Sri Bhagavan, There are many teenagers in Singapore who spend excessive time in computer gaming, some are even addicted. This has caused many challenges, violence and disharmony in many families. What should we do as parents or teachers? Will this problem affect the future of Singapore?
巴关:这个问题会影响新加坡的未来。解决的办法是,如果家长和老师觉醒了, 孩子会自动改变。谢谢巴关
Bhagavan: The problem would affect the future of Singapore. The solution is if parents and teachers become awaken, the children automatically change. Thank you bhagavan
Dear Bhagavan, you have mentioned that awakening is a journey. That staying with the “what is” is an effort that one needs to continue to master. At times, the unpleasant experiences are very much unbearable or that they occur frequently, how does one continue to function without risking being addicted to stay with the feelings. Or is it possible that one can be addicted to do so? Thank you Bhagavan.
Bhagavan: if by staying with the what is, it gives you pain, then you are not staying with the what is. When you really staying with the what is, it becomes joy and therefore it becomes addictive. In due course, it becomes automatic and it's more like breathing. You in fact begin to wonder, how did I miss all these years.
Dear Bhagavan, what is the implication of major disasters that take place in a country. In this year alone, Malaysia experienced two major accidents involving the airplanes. How will this impact the consciousness of Malaysians as a whole and what can we do to uplift the consciousness of the country? Thank you Bhagavan.
Bhagavan: Collective consciousness brings about all these events. Similarly all these events affect collective consciousness. What could be done is you should gather in large group, like in a hall like this, and take out a big map of Malaysia, and collectively give deeksha to the map, that could definitely help.
Q20. 亲爱的巴关,作为合一的训导师,我发现,我对所有正在发生的经验越来越敏感,我待在“如是”的能力提高了。不过,有时候我不清楚这些情绪是否是由于我自己的负荷,或者他们属于在课程中走过程中的参与者。我怎样才能知道其中的差别?谢谢巴关。
Dear Bhagavan, as a Oneness trainer, I am discovering that I am becoming more and more sensitive to all the experiences taking place and my ability to stay with the “what is” is improving. However, sometimes I am not clear of whether those emotions are due to my own charges or that they belong to the participants who are in the course. How can I know the difference? Thank you Bhagavan.
Bhagavan: Emotion flows both ways, it flow from you to the participant and from the participant it comes to you. Thank you bhagavan
Anandji: 谢谢巴关,所有的问题都结束了。我们有1200左右的参与者聚集在这里巴关,他们都祈求财富的意识,因为巴关说,这是财富的一年,所以他们要向巴关祈祷至,他们想与巴关冥想,巴关,他们也想得到财富意识的祝福巴关。
Anandji: Thank you Bhagavan, all the questions are over. We have around 1200 participants gather here Bhagavan. They are all praying for wealth consciousness because Bhagavan has told that this is the year of wealth, so they want to pray with Bhagavan, they want to meditate with Bhagavan, they also want blessing for wealth consciousness Bhagavan.
Bhagavan: Yes, all the blessing for wealth consciousness.